Are you an arts organisation developing new work in the community?
Do you run a youth programme or an artist development initiative?
Are you interested in harnessing the power of the arts for social change?
The arts have long been a powerful force for change in society. Through creative expression in visual art, music, dance, theatre, and more, marginalised groups have found their voice, activists have sparked movements, and communities have come together for the greater good.
When applied to the arts our ChangeMaker programme unlocks the creative potential of participants to tell persuasive new stories to promote the regeneration of People, Places and Planet.
"“My wish: use art to turn the world inside out.”
- JR, French photographer and street artist

The Human Hive has many years experience working with the arts to make change.
Co-founder Darren Abrahams started his professional career as an opera singer, and aside from performing all over the world, also loved working in education and outreach departments on projects to introduce young people and community groups to the power of their own creativity.
He brought this approach to his work in international development and it has underpinned the evolution of The Human Hive ChangeMaker methodology. ChangeMaking through the arts is one of the most immediate and effective ways of building community and changing the world.

© Robert Golden taken at Giufa Residency 2018
As with all our ChangeMaker Programmes, we’ll support participants to think on three levels as they build a company:
Me - the needs of the individual
We - the needs of the group
Us - the needs of the wider community
Added to this we bring some new dimensions:
Creative Skills Development
Building a tool kit of creative practices that can be used to tell compelling stories
Working together towards a common creative vision
Persuasion and Messaging
Getting the message across effectively so that target audiences will take action on a chosen cause
Critical Feedback
Constant constructive reflection on newly created work so as to hone the message for
maximum impact
A key advantage of our ChangeMaker process is its flexibility - it can be tailored to unleash the power of the arts no matter the specific context. Whether you're into painting, rapping, or roleplaying, we can work with it. Working with children or adults the process adjusts to suit the needs of participants.
Want to change the world in a week or over several months? This process adjusts to your needs. We’ll co-create the project with you so it best suits your context and budget. The goal is to unleash the power within, build confidence, and make positive change happen.
The arts belong to everyone - it's time to shift society through creative action tailored to you and
your community!

© Glyndebourne Productions Ltd. Photo: Sarah Hickson.

World renowned opera company Glyndebourne has partnered with The Human Hive to run an innovative new ChangeMaker programme to revitalise their Youth Opera following the challenges of the global pandemic.
Over 6 months, up to sixty 13-19 year olds in Sussex are participating in fortnightly after-school workshops led by a team of artist facilitators led by Human Hive co-founder Darren Abrahams.
The focus of the programme is to look at the different art forms that make up opera - music, visual art, theatre - and to design new work that explores the effects of climate change and leaves a lasting legacy at Glyndebourne.
We are challenging participants to consider how to convey an effective message of change to the Glyndebourne audience, which then persuades them to take a tangible climate positive action.
This is an unfolding programme, so watch out for more updates in our newsletter and social media channels between October 2023 and April 2024.
Video credit: Annis Joslin and GYO ChangeMaker participants